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No, you really should have gone to high school.

Friday, April 29, 2011
By Dan

I read this peacenick nonsense again as part of an earlier post.  Allow me to elaborate on this a bit (parentheticals are for the uncouth non-liberal savages who might need further explanation): These are the things I learned: Share everything (including your status as... »

Atlas Shrugged – Part 1

Saturday, April 16, 2011
By Dan

I’ve just come from the lovely Larchmont Playhouse, where my wife and I caught Atlas Shrugged Part 1. I have to say that I may have been unplugged for too long, as I didn’t even know a movie had been made until this afternoon.... »

Practical Advice for Moving House

Friday, March 4, 2011
By Dan

If you are planning on moving soon, allow me to give you some unsolicited advice. First–are you sure you’re not happy where you are? You’ve mastered the parking schedule and the garbage collection. You have years of good faith (and Christmas bonuses) built up... »

Return of the Daily Danet (II)

Thursday, March 3, 2011
By Dan

I’ve been away for a bit–again. For personal and professional reasons, I wasn’t able to post for a while, and I just got out of the habit. Professionally, I was asked to take on some additional responsibilities, which included a lot of travel. Personally,... »

Paul McCartney is a religious zealot.

Thursday, June 24, 2010
By Dan

Richard Feynman, one of the most brilliant scientists of the 20th century once said, “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.”  His point, one that those wishing to point to “climate experts” should heed, was that experts offer opinions, scientists offer a... »

On Climategate

Thursday, December 3, 2009
By Dan

Apologies for the laconic past few weeks.  I’ve been getting killed at my day job, and have been dealing with some personal issues as well.  But on the issue of Global Warming and the Climategate emails, I cannot remain silent any longer–mostly out of... »

Newsflash: Pedophilia and Incest are still illegal and still disgusting.

Monday, September 28, 2009
By Dan

Sunday’s arrest in Sweden of French filmmaker and liberal sweetheart, Roman Polanski on a 31 year-old arrest warrant has made it necessary to remind liberals and Europeans (but I repeat myself) that no amount of Academy Awards make up for drugging and raping a... »

Hope & Change: The Death of American Exceptionalism

Monday, September 21, 2009
By Dan

The United States, since the close of World War II, has always been exceptional in the the world in several ways. Financially, technologically, medically, and militarily, the United States has set itself apart from the world.  Our prosperity and culture of opportunity have fostered... »

The Importance of Being Earnest (and Vocal)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
By Dan

One of my favorite professors in law school was Professor Cavanagh, who, among other subjects, taught Antitrust Law. He once told a story about price fixing, the illegal practice of businesses that are supposed to be competing, that instead agree to charge consumers the... »

New Product – The Circle of Trust

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
By Dan

“See, if I can’t trust you, Greg, then I have no choice…but to put you right back outside the circle. And once you’re out, you’re out. There’s no coming back.” – Jack Byrnes (Robert Di Nero) Meet the Parents (2000). It’s simple, it’s elegant... »